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How to Create a Pencil Drawing Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an amazing photo drawing effect in Adobe Photoshop. I will explain everything in so much detail that anyone can create it, even those who have just opened Photoshop for the first time.  The effect shown above is the one I will show you how to create in this tutorial. If you would like to create the even more advanced drawing effects shown below, using just a single click and in only a few minutes, then check out my  Construct Photoshop Action . What You'll Need To recreate the design above, you will need the following resources: Stock Image  Texture 1  Texture 2  1.  Let's Get Started First, open the photo that you want to work with. To open your photo, go to  File > Open , choose your photo, and click  Open . Now, before we get started, just check a couple of things: Your photo should be in  RGB Color  mode,  8 Bits/Channel . To check this, go to  Image > M...
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WordPress Theme Advanced Coding

Our new short course is ideal for you if you want to take your WordPress development skills to the next level. Try out Coding Advanced WordPress Theme Templates, or read on and watch the intro video below for more details. What You’ll Learn Template files are at the heart of every WordPress theme. And if you've already gotten started creating WordPress themes, chances are you have some experience with coding template files. But there's always more to learn! In this course, you'll learn how to customize your themes with advanced theme templates. Rachel McCollinwill show you how to create an advanced WordPress theme for a blog.  Along the way, you'll learn different ways to code the Loop, how to create templates for custom page and post types, how to create templates for custom taxonomies, and how to use conditional tags to make your templates more flexible. Watch the Introduction ...